Saturday, January 20, 2007

I'm in. And I'm in to win.

Saturday, Hillary Clinton announce that she is definitely running for the Democratic nomination for President in 2008. The text of her statement can be found here. It's probably just a formality as she will likely beat out her opponents with ease. She's already possibly started to profile Barack Obama as a muslim - and this from the party of tolerance!

Of course, Senator Clinton's announcement doesn't surprise us here at ABH. We expect a torrent of "criticism" aimed at Senator Obama and John Edwards in the coming year and a half. Since there isn't really anything fundamentally different in the politics of the candidates, the race can't really be about the substantive differences. Senator Clinton is planning to highlight health insurance. If I were a betting man, I would bet that she will level her sights against John Edwards shenanigans as a lawyer and claim that is causing health care to skyrocket.

In other news, President Bush began to outline his plans for health care reform in his Saturday morning radio address. He believes the government should only provide free healthcare for those who are most in need of it. He believes that people at small businesses or who have to buy their own insurance should be able to get a tax break similar to those who work for larger companies (the insurance comes out pre-tax so this is very similar to a tax break since it lowers the income bracket).

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