Friday, October 07, 2005

Historically speaking...

Anybody remember the failed National Health Care pushed by Hillary in 1993 during Bill's first term. Don't think Hillary won't run with that as a foundation of her campaign platform. We will see pandering to the race warlords, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, and the teeming masses they influence. A National Health Care program will be shrouded as "Uncle Sam taking care of his children".

But, before we head merrily down that road. Let's look at what citizens of two of our closest allies are having to deal with in a socialized medicine environment:

Published In the Globe and Mail from Canada on February 25, 2004:
"Canadians are telling us that waiting for health care is making them sick and tired," said Dr. Sunil Patel, CMA president. "As a physician, I too am tired, tired of constantly defending the system to patients asking me why. 'Why must I wait so long for my referral, my tests or my treatment?'"
Perhaps the British are faring better? From the AP also in February of 2004:

"What's going on in Scarborough is a classic example of the NHS dentist system breaking down completely," said British Dental Association chairman Dr. John Renshaw, whose practice gets 3,000 inquiries a year from people wanting to register as new National Health Service patients.

A 2002 study by the independent Audit Commission found 40 percent of dentists were not accepting new patients through the state-funded system.

Sadly, too many will support Hillary in her effort to ruin our health care system.

1 comment:

Chris Whisonant said...

We have a mutual friend who's father in Canada waited over a year for a highly-needed back surgery. Remember that Hillary is for bigger and bigger government!