Saturday, October 08, 2005

Senator Clinton on Harriet Miers

On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton said the following about the new Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers:

I will examine the record and qualifications of the nominee and closely follow the Judiciary Committee hearings

Well, that's sort of the job of all Senators. In regards to the confirmation of Chief Justice John Roberts, Nathan Tabor of the Canada Free Press said:

The dissenting Dems included some of the most liberal members of Congress: Kennedy, Kerry, Feinstein, Boxer, Obama and, of course, Hillary Clinton. Thus the "good" conservatives appear to have won and the "bad" liberals have lost.

While Tabor did go on to say that it may be a little different with the Miers nomination, I find it comforting that even the press from our neighbors to the north know the company that Hillary Clinton keeps. I believe that she showed just how out of touch she was with nearly 80% of the nation in voting against John Roberts. There were only 22 Senators who voted against him. Are those 22 Senators, including Hillary Clinton, fairly representing their constituents?


Ma Tiny said...

i'm suspicious of anyone who starts an anti-hillary site this early (who's paying you?), but it seems like you want to talk about real issues.

tip, then. the "liberal" smear is tired, and it's not real issues.

Chris Whisonant said...

Jami, thank you for your post. There is nobody behind me or my cohort(s). I don't know if this site will even have visitors as this is something for us to do in our free time. Would I like to get money for this? Who wouldn't! But that is far from what this blog is about. We're simply concerned citizens who believe that Senator Clinton would be a bad choice for our country as well as a bad choice for being re-elected in New York. I also firmly believe that if Senator Clinton loses her re-election to New York that it will ultimately ruin any chances she has for the Executive Branch in 2008.

It is not necessarily a liberal/conservative thing and it's far from male/female. By using the term "liberal" to describe Senator Clinton I am simply being honest. While she appears to be positioning herself towards the center, I believe that the American people will see through that by looking at her past record. While we will definitely bring out facts and issues from the Senator's past I want this to be a discussion about current issues as well.

Jami, I have just stopped by your blog and I look forward to taking some time to look at it more in the future (as I'm pressed for time now). I would like to say that thinking that Republicans are just good for big business is rathher "tiring" as well. It's a smear that is "not real issues" either.

Greg said...

Whoaaaa...wait a minute.

Now, I'M suspicious of anyone starting a pro-Hillary site this early. Who's paying YOU? C'mon, a site titled Hillary Now?!?

Anyway, Chris is right. This is a free time thing. I don't have time to come up with any "Vast Right Wing Conspiracies", just time to point out the they make themselves available.